*define model Example-1 # model name maxcmp 300 mincmpp 0 maxcmpp 300 maxoffp 150 maxtimp 25 maxz 10 wdth 3 wdth1 3.1 # wdth + 0.1 height 1.5 hheight .75 # height / 2 *info Herglotz-Wiechert time field inversion of {model} ################################################################## *setup noapp *call readtab map vmodel-1 # initialize XZ vel table X float 2 .01 Z float 1 .01 Vp float dip float argrang X 0 10 30 # gridding argrang Z 0 1 30 const # default values Vp 9 dip 0 *call loadtab ttfield.bintab all *call hwt edit z vp dvlvz vmodel-1 ttcurve 1 1 offset p tau tt-map cmp x model cont # ga-alg inittau p tau tt-map cmp x ttcost l1 params 5.6 # velocity at the top *call tabtrnd edit vmodel-1 sten2 box 1 3 analyze vp vmodel-1 z x output2 az ax c n vp-s *call pritab test.table vmodel-1 ############################################################## GMT plot *call graphic backgr =same= foregr =same= palhue draw-tt color cont 0. 50 5 0.05 .95 palhue draw-vel gray cont 5.5 5.8 3 0.95 .05 palhue draw-tt gray cont 0.0 250 5 0.05 .95 palhue draw-tau gray cont 0 0.25 5 0.95 .05 palhue draw-p gray cont .17 .18 4 0.05 .95 #palproc eof scale draw-vel #vp vmodel-1 #palproc eof stretch 1.01 draw-vel #palproc stretch 1.01 draw-tt #palproc scale draw-p #p tt-map #palproc stretch 1.01 draw-p pen solid 1 black border-pen *call image ttcurves-plot ######### plot tt curves 1. 3.0 wdth height project xy width options ANOT_FONT_SIZE 14 LABEL_FONT_SIZE 14 MEASURE_UNIT inch range-x mincmpp maxcmpp range-y 0 maxtimp axis-x 10 50 draw border-pen axis-y 2 10 annot border-pen \Time [s] pen solid 1.5 black l1 2dtabs cmp tt tt-picks-1* pen solid 0.75 black l2 2dtabs cmp tt offset 1.0 tt-coffset *call image tau-plot ######### plot tau map 1. 1. wdth height project xy width options ANOT_FONT_SIZE 14 LABEL_FONT_SIZE 14 MEASURE_UNIT inch range-x mincmpp maxcmpp range-y 0 maxoffp axis-x 10 50 annot border-pen CMP [km] axis-y 10 50 annot border-pen Offset [km] 2dmap cmp offset tau pixel tt-map draw-tau cscale vert wdth1 hheight 0.1 height draw-tau *call image p-plot ######### plot p map 5.5 3.0 wdth height project xy width options ANOT_FONT_SIZE 14 LABEL_FONT_SIZE 14 MEASURE_UNIT inch range-x mincmpp maxcmpp range-y 0 maxoffp axis-x 10 50 draw border-pen CMP [km] axis-y 10 50 annot border-pen Offset [km] 2dmap cmp offset p pixel tt-map draw-p cscale vert wdth1 hheight 0.1 height draw-p *call image v-plot ######### plot the resulting section 5.5 1.0 wdth height project xy width options ANOT_FONT_SIZE 14 LABEL_FONT_SIZE 14 MEASURE_UNIT inch range-x mincmpp maxcmpp range-y 0 maxz yes axis-x 10 50 annot border-pen CMP [km] axis-y 1 2 annot border-pen Depth (km) 2dmap x z vp-s pixel vmodel-1 draw-vel cscale vert wdth1 hheight 0.1 height draw-vel *call gmt portr 1 1 show PS/hwt-{model}.ps ttcurves-plot p-plot tau-plot v-plot verbose #noclean #verbose