Notes for advanced user of SIA

This document contains details on the implementation of spme features that may be useful in advanced applications.

Predefined trace headers

Predefined trace headers

In managing the dynamic trace structures, the system uses a number of predefined trace headers that cannot normally be changed by the user, but can displayed (by using, e.g., table). These headers are:

Name Format Description
LASTTR INTEGER LASTTR=1 specifies last trace in ensemble. For other traces, LASTTR = 0
_NUMREC INTEGER Number of records in the trace data segment
TIMSTRT FLOAT Some modules (e.g., reduce, static, stack)
_DTFRMT INTEGER Specifies trace data format
_DATLEN INTEGER The length of the trace data segment, bytes
SEQNO INTEGER Trace sequence numbers within the ensembles.

Copyright (c) 1995-99, Igor. B. Morozov, Rice University
Updated March 12, 1999