acomp | Attenuation compensation in post- and pre-stack seismic records |
adjust | Check (test) ensembles |
agc | Automatic Gain Control |
alt | Alternate module libraries |
break | Break gathers |
check | Check (test) traces or ensembles |
close | Commands on closing processing |
correl | Auto- and cross-correlation. |
count | Count traces or ensembles |
dataset | Dataset |
dblist | Database list |
decon | Deconvolution |
define | Text substitutions |
depcon2 | Depth conversion (2-D) |
dskrd | Disk input |
edit | Trace edit |
eqdbase | Earthquake database |
filter | Filter |
gain | Gain |
genrate | Generate simple synthetic waveforms and traces |
geom | Geometry (2-D) |
geom3 | Geometry (3-D) |
glue | Glue time intervals |
gmt | GMT interface |
gui | Graphical User Interface |
hdrmath | Trace header math |
headput | Trace header input |
heliplt | Simulated hilicorder plot. |
horintr | Horizon (or horizontal) interpolation |
if | IF |
kgenr | Generate synthetic events |
load | Dataset data load |
mig2 | Pre/poststack migration (2-D) |
model1 | One-dimensional model |
modify | Modify trace |
nn | ANN (Artificial Neural Network) |
novast | Read NOVASTOR backup sets |
parmath | Flow parameter math |
pfblock | Potential field data blocks |
pipe | UNIX Pipe for subprocesses |
plot | Trace plot |
plwave | Synthetic plane wave* |
polan | Polarization analysis |
print | Print trace sample values |
pritab | Print table(s) |
procmat | Processing by using Matlab or Octave |
rayinvr | 2D seismic ray-tracing and gravity modeling |
rdgse | GSE2.0 data input |
rdseg2 | SEG-2 input |
readbf | Binary file read |
readtab | Read a table from ASCII files |
reflect | Reflectivity modeling |
refmod | Reference travel-time model (IASP91) |
reftek | REFTEK logs* |
repeat | Repeat traces or ensembles |
replace | String token replacements |
rsgli | Refraction statics analysis |
shell | UNIX shell |
slfilt | Slant filter |
sort | In-line (buffer) sort |
sortcut | Resort |
spctrgr | Spectrogram |
sql | SQL database query |
store | Store traces |
synlog | Synthetic logs |
synrefl | Synthetic reflectivity |
synth2 | Synthetic reflection waveforms (2-D) |
table | List trace headers |
tabput | Put trace header or trace sample values into table |
tapedmp | Tape dump |
texan | TEXAN event tables |
trcmat | MATLAB interface for trace data |
trcmath | Trace math |
ttenvel | Travel-time envelope |
ttmap2 | Travel-time map (2-D) |
wfcalib | Time-variant waveform calibration |