All examples for CORREL
#	Crosscorrelation using a reference wavelet and individual
#	time gates in both cross-correlated traces
#	crossing lags

...				# generate or read the wavelet

*call	hdrmath			# specify the time gate on the wavelet
set	wave	int	0	# wave=0 identifies the wavelet
set	tbeg	float	0
set	tend	float	2000

*call	store	wavelet		# store the wavelet in a named buffer


*call	dskrd	synth.sia	# read data ensembles
set	wave		1	# wave != 0 identifies data traces
set	tbeg	float	0
set	tend	float	2000

#--------------------------- add the wavelet to the beginning of each ensemble
*call	load	ebefore			keep	wavelet	
			# cross-correlate all traces wave=1 with the wavelet
*call	correl	cross	tbeg	tend	0	wave	0