All examples for DBLIST
# Loading and spatial interpolation of a calibration database list for time-lapse dataset
# The following defines a dblist structure, loads it from different text files for every shot
# number (s_num) in input traces, and constructs interpolation surfaces for various attributes
*call dblist fb_ampl
pkey r_num
skey year
attrib r_line r_line # coordinates for spatial interpolation
attrib r_stnum r_stnum
attrib fbreak fbreak # attributes
attrib acalib acalib
attrib tcalib tcalib
attrib phrot phrot
attrib spbal spbal
loadtxt DB/{s_num}.txt
reload {s_num} # reload this dblist for every new shot
# create surfaces for interpolation:
surf2d extrap r_line r_stnum fbreak fbreak_surf # surface to interpolate baseline first arrivals
surf2d extrap r_line r_stnum tcalib tcalib_surf # surface to interpolate baseline tcalib
surf2d extrap r_line r_stnum acalib acalib_surf # surface to interpolate baseline acalib
surf2d extrap r_line r_stnum phrot phrot_surf # surface to interpolate baseline phrot
surf2d extrap r_line r_stnum spbal spbal_surf # surface to interpolate baseline spbal
## This is how the corrections are interpolated and applied to traces (in the same job):
*call hdrmath
eval real fbreak1 = fbreak_surf.interp(year,r_line,r_stnum)
eval real fbreak = fbreak_surf.interp(1999,r_line,r_stnum)
eval real acalib = exp(acalib_surf.interp(year,r_line,r_stnum))
eval real tcalib = tcalib_surf.interp(year,r_line,r_stnum)
eval real phrot = phrot_surf.interp(year,r_line,r_stnum)
eval real spbal = spbal_surf.interp(year,r_line,r_stnum)
eval real tcalib1 = fbreak1 - fbreak + tcalib
eval real refgain = refgain / acalib # modify the gain scalar to reflect acalib
*call static tcalib remove
*call gain remove acalib
*call filter
bslope phrot