All examples for EQDBASE
#	Using EQDBASE to load station tables

########################### make a table of stations' coordinates

*call	readtab	table	stations
num	int	1		# necessary to set numeric arguments
station	char			8
channel	char			8
lon	float
lat	float

file		stations.test
inc	num	1
	channel	LHZ		# if channel names are not in the file,
				# they may be set arbitrary

*call	genrate	1	10	# generate synthetic traces fron the table
htable	stations
station	station	lat	lat	lon	lon	channel	channel

*call	eqdbase	sample-db	# store the cordinates in  'sample-db'
save	stat	stations.db
stcoord	store

*call	table	*		# this is just a control printout
station	channel	lon	lat
