All examples for GENRATE
# Generate a 3000-ms upsweep with superimposed sin function
*call genrate new 10 5000
sweep 1 1000 4000 2 4 200 300
sin 1 1000 4000 4
hrange chan integer 1 1 50
# In this example, the trace length is 5000 ms.
# 50 traces are generated, for 'chan' values ranging from 1 to 50.
# The sweep starts at 1000 ms at 2 Hz, increasing from amplitude 0 to 1
# within 200 ms, and ends at 4000 ms after a ram of 300 ms.
# On this sweep, we superimose a harmonic (sine) wave of frequency 4 Hz.
# The sinusoid is turned on at 1000 ms and off at 4000 ms.