All examples for HELIPLT
# Daily simulated helicorder plot
*call heliplt 30 27 3
window 0.125 {pdate} # 3 hours before {pdate} + 24 hours after = 27 hours
image cps {imdir}/latest_{stname}.ps
#pgsize 27.42 15.0 # old dimensions
#pgsize 32 11.0 # dimensions for two plots at the bottom of 47" Toshiba widescreen
#pgsize 18 8.0 # dimensions for one plot at the right of 47" Toshiba widescreen
pgsize 16.5 17.5 # dimensions for one big plot at the right of 47" Toshiba widescreen
label 2:00 1:00 # intervals between time labels on horizontal and vertical axes (min)
# postprocess the last created image:
convert -rotate 90 %s {imdir}/latest_{stname}.png
scp {imdir}/latest_{stname}.png morozov@seisweb:/var/www/html/ibm/heliplot_{stname}.png
echo PNG image copied to: seisweb:/var/www/html/ibm/heliplot_{stname}.png
Station {stname}: {stdesc}
channel {channel}; Amplitude per trace spacing $amplitude
Plot created by {_user_} on {_host_} at $timedate
ampscal ascale
events Events (numbered symbols; P-wave are blue and S-wave cyan):
mark event_list Ptime poly3 4 $count
mark event_list Stime poly4 5 $count