All examples for MIG2
#	Iterative migration from segy files
#	The input data are loaded from several files specified
#	by a UNIX file name mask.  The files are re-read multiple times
#	and passed through 'MIG2' in alternating INVERT and FORWARD modes
#	MIG@ also measures the data residuals and accumulates them
#	in a table named 'data-residuals'

niter	100					# number of iterations
files	/net/ts1/morozov/SEGY/line2.segy

#  use dataset to specify the data loading sequence

*call	dataset	dataload
files	files
set	prockey	integer	1	# migrate
set	scalar	float	1.0

files	files
set	prockey	integer	2	# forward model
set	scalar		-1.0

*call   readbf		# read the data multiple times
files   dataload
1		9999999	# this last parameter can be also used 
			# to truncate the input