All examples for PROCMAT
#	Interactive picking of times in earthquake records

# This call executes Octave program pick.m for each trace ensemble
# Prior to each run of pick.m, trace data and headers are loaded in
# workspace /tmp/pick.mat, and after the run, trace headers are read in
# from file /tmp/pick_out.txt

*call	procmat	ens	octave -q pick.m

workdir	/home/morozov/OCTAVE	# switch to this directory before executing Octave codes
				# file pick.m should be in this directory

	# following the *call line,
	# you can include arbitrary Matlab/Octave code
	# which will be included at the end of temp_load_octave.m
	# Just a random example setting iref=5 and plotting a sin() function shown here.

iref = 5;		

	# this creates a data loading script (in work directory) that can be used in pick.m

workin	temp_load_octave.m		

	# this outputs trace data into temp_load_octave.m

traces	1	_tstrt_	100	rec		Station {stname}

	# this outputs trace-header values into temp_load_octave.m

headers	picks			
ptime	1	P wave
stime	2	S wave
cstime	3	Coda start
cetime	4	Coda end
pgatime	5	PGA

	# after the run of pick.m, this loads trace-header values from file.
	# The file OCTAVE/temp_{count}_out.txt is supposed to be written by pick.m

fhdrout	OCTAVE/temp_{count}_out.txt	# file output from pick.m into trace headers
ptime	1
stime	2
ctstrt	3
ctend	4

	# after the run of pick.m, this loads trace-sample records from another file

ftrcout	DAT/temp_trcout.txt		# Trace data output from pick.m
					# and loaded back into trace records.