All examples for RDSEG2
#	Rename and move SEG-2 files 

#	Files are renamed according to the
#	recording day and ffid numbers found in them
#	For this example, I have downloaded GEOMETRICS SEG-2
#	files from a field tape into the directory /usr/tmp,
#	then look into each of the files and rename it (move)
#	to a directory specified by the recording date and file
#	geom, where ffid is the ffid number obtained from
#	first trace
*call	parmath
set	fname	c128	# initialize a parameter field to hold
			# the file name

*call	rdseg2	2	13000
onetrc			# read 1 trace and close the file
getinfo	fname		# current file name is put into "fname"

files	usr/tmp/*	# file mask for the input files

*call	hdrmath		# convert day 216 to aug04, etc
set	day		-212

*call	table	*	# log table 
day	line_id	ffid	chan

################ move the files to data//geom0001,
################ geom0002, etc.

*unix	trace
mv  data//rice/geom