All examples for RSGLI
# Refraction statics analysis
# This example includes:
# 1) Checking for geometry pattern errors (coming soon);
# 2) Checking for travel-time reciprocity;
# 3) Correction for shot uphole time misties;
# 4) Extraction of vertical tau-p travel times;
# 5) Inversion for starting model using the Herglotz-Wiechert transform.
# 6) Generation of files for Hampson-Russell GLI3D program;
# 7) Generation of files for viewing in plotmtv program.
# The data are derived from sequencies of traces. Only trace headers are used,
# unless autopicking is requested.
# The headers should contain source and receiver coordinates and
# first-arrival travel times.
# The easiest way of producing such trace sequencies from, for example, Promax,
# is to save the travel time picks in remapped SEGY headers, as shown in
# list "theader" in "*call load" below
*call rsgli loadinv teapot
src ffid espnum sou_x sou_y selev 0 suphole 6500 20
rec chan line recsloc rec_x rec_y relev 60 # take 60-m average receiver spacing
ttime fbpick1 20.0 # use Kamal's new picks from GeoTomo
### Model:
## constant datum and replacement velocities for statics:
datum 3.0 3.0
## layer grids
fsurf fsurf 100 100 1.0 # set near-surface velocity = 1 m/ms
layer layer1 dxdy dxdy
layer layer2
layer layer3
# control points and layer velocities:
control 0.8 0.2 cpsize 2. 200 3.05 2000 3.45 2591 3.67
control 0.6 0.4 cpsize 2. 200 3.05 2000 3.45 2800 3.67
control 0.85 0.4 cpsize 2. 488 3.05 1432 3.45 2591 3.67
control 0.45 0.6 cpsize 2. 200 2.95 1500 3.45 2600 3.67
control 0.7 0.6 cpsize 2. 220 3.05 2000 3.45 2788 3.67
control 0.2 0.8 cpsize 2. 300 3.05 1600 3.45 2788 3.67
control 0.5 0.8 cpsize 2. 250 2.9 1600 3.45 2800 3.67
### Travel-time adjustments:
rtimes noinc corr # pick reversed times in shots, do not include them in tt surfaces
# but use to correct the uphole times
#reloc apply src 500 10 0.1 # relocate shots
reloc apply rec 500 10 0.1 # relocate receivers
delays 10 # adjust the residual receiver delays so that the median error
# at each receiver becomes zero
fitcp 5 novel top # adjust control-point velocities and intercepts
# by using common-midpoint travel times
#pick # auto-pick unpicked shots and traces
### Inversion:
stmodel hwt 10 1 # make starting model using the Helglotz-Wiechert transform
#tomo2d # invert by 2-D tomography (not implemented)
### Plots:
#plt-tt shot 0 plotmtv raw abs MTV/%s.mtv # raw picks for viewing using 'plotmtv'
plt-map area DAT/area.dat # contour of survey area for psxy
plt-map receiv DAT/receivers.dat # receiver layout for psxy
plt-map shots DAT/shots.dat # source point layout for psxy
plt-map control DAT/control.dat # control points
plt-map invgrid DAT/grid.dat # inversion grid box
GMT/ # makes source and receiver layout map in PostScript
plt-map surface DAT/$version/inversion/surface.dat # maps of surface attributes
GMT/ elevation
GMT/ velocity
GMT/ fold
GMT/ static
GMT/ resstatic
GMT/ totstatic
GMT/ error
GMT/ delays
plt-map layer 1 DAT/$version/inversion/layer1.dat # maps of parameters of layer 1
GMT/ delay
GMT/ velocity
GMT/ thickness
GMT/ elevation
GMT/ depth
plt-map layer 2 DAT/$version/inversion/layer2.dat # maps of parameters of layer 2
GMT/ delay
GMT/ velocity
GMT/ thickness
GMT/ elevation
GMT/ depth
plt-map layer 3 DAT/$version/inversion/layer3.dat # maps of parameters of layer 3
GMT/ delay
GMT/ velocity
GMT/ thickness
GMT/ elevation
GMT/ depth
plt-off # disable the following plt- lists
plt-tt shot 0 points raw DAT/shots/ # receiver stations and travel times
GMT/ # travel-time picks, with reduction
# using layer velocities V2, V3, and V4
plt-tt shot 0 grid raw DAT/shots/%s.ttsurf.dat # shot tt surfaces for GMT plotting
GMT/ time # total interpolated times
GMT/ ttc # total travel-time "curves" (cones)
GMT/ rectime # receiver-only terms in times
#plt-on # enable plt- lists
plt-ttc control DAT/$version/control/%s.ttc.dat # travel-time curves at control points
plt-tt control 0 points raw DAT/$version/control/ # travel times at control points
GMT/ # travel-time picks
plt-tt control 0 grid raw DAT/$version/control/%s.ttsurf.dat # travel-time surfaces at control points
GMT/ time # travel-time picks
plt-ttc cmp DAT/$version/cmp/%s.ttc.dat # travel-time curves at grid CMPs
plt-tt cmp 0 points raw DAT/$version/cmp/ # travel times at at grid CMPs
GMT/ # midpoint travel-time picks with ttc curves
## plotting options:
plt-opt coords abs # plot coordinates are as given in trace headers
### Quality control
#qcsrc promax {dset}.srctab # Promax source table to verify that the source numbers belong
# to it and to identify patterns
#qcpatt promax {dset}.pattab # Promax pattern table to verify that the FFID numbers belong
# to it and to identify patterns
## send selected error logs into separate files
log pattern {dset}.pattern.log
### Print summaries of the model and data
summary model full DB/$version/{dset}.model.txt
summary shots detail DB/$version/{dset}.shots.txt
summary receiv detail DB/$version/{dset}.receivers.txt
summary control detail DB/$version/{dset}.control.txt
summary pattern full DB/$version/{dset}.pattern.txt
summary shtpatt full DB/$version/{dset}.pattern-sht.txt
summary traces detail DB/$version/{dset}.traces.txt
summary rtimes short DB/$version/{dset}.rtt-summary.txt
summary rtimes full DB/$version/{dset}.rtt.txt
summary taup full DB/$version/{dset}.taup.txt
summary hwt full DB/$version/{dset}.hwt.txt
summary reloc-src full DB/$version/{dset}.reloc-src.txt
summary reloc-rec full DB/$version/{dset}.reloc-rec.txt
summary recstat full DB/$version/{dset}.statics-rec.txt
summary shtstat full DB/$version/{dset}.statics-sht.txt
summary static full DB/$version/{dset}.statics.txt
*nocall pritab *
### more GMT plots of the results
*call unix eof
cd GMT
source fold.gmt {dset}
source psurf.gmt {dset}
source tau1.gmt {dset}
source tau2.gmt {dset}
source tau3.gmt {dset}
source tterror.gmt {dset}
source dt-rec.gmt {dset}
source z1.gmt {dset}
source z2.gmt {dset}
source z3.gmt {dset}
#### print processing time
*call info eof time