All examples for SHELL
#	run 2 SIA processes and 1 SU process as follows:
#	SIA1 --> SU --> SIA2

	*call	pipe	su-in		# open an input pipe for SU
	*call	pipe	su-out		# open a pipe for SU output
	*call	write	su ...	su-in	# organize writinig in SU format into
					# the input pipe; you nmay use
					# several writes...

	*proc	2			# start another concurrent
					# SIA process
	*call	readbf ...		# reading from SU-formatted
	su				# files using readbf
	files			su-out

	*call	shell	csh SU_script	# start the shell for SU script
	input	s-in			# connect its I/O to 'write'
	output	s-out			# and 'readbf' above