All examples for TTMAP2
#	Computing travel-time map in a synthetic velocity model
#	with simple linear vertical velocity gradient
#	Output goes to the file accrete.ttmap

*call	readtab	map	velmod	# generate the velocity model
X	float	1	.01
Z	float	2	.01
v	float
argrang	X	0	1	100
argrang	Z	0	1	35
set	v		v	# add 0.07 velocity gradient
.07			z

v	5			# 5 km/sec at the top of the model

*call	ttmap2
log	1				# print info on every source
ttmap-f	accrete.ttmap			# output binary travel-time map file
					# rectangular velocity grid 5x1 km
velgrid	x	z	v	velmod	# use the model built above
sources	0	10	20		# 20 sources every 10 km
