All examples for WFCALIB
# Measuring and applying time-variant relative time shifts and amplitude corrections
# The data are supposed to be sorted so that the data from different vintages are present
# in the same ensemble. Different vintages are marked with header vintage=0,1,2, etc.,
# and differently-prefiltered components are differentiated by trace header 'kfilt'.
*call wfcalib 1 measure apply select vintage 0 kfilt
tvfilt 200 # length of time-variant filter for output
tgate above_reservoir range 500.0 top window hanning ok # using Hanning (default) window
tshift derive dt1
scale derive dla1
tgate caprock zcross2 top 80 cos ok # using cosine window
tshift derive dt3
scale derive dla3
tgate bottomrock zcross2 bottom 80 cos ok
tshift derive dt4
scale derive dla4
tgate below_reservoir range bottom 1600.0 window ok
tshift derive dt2
scale derive dla2