All examples for WFCALIB
# 	Instantaneous-attribute based calibration

# Different vintages are marked with header vintage=0,1,2, etc.,
# and differently-prefiltered components are differentiated by trace header 'kfilt'.

*call	wfcalib	1	measure	apply	select	vintage	0	kfilt

tvfilt	300		# length of time-variant filter for output 

tgate	entire_trace
instant	derive	0.1	0.2	45.0	# amplitude threshold 0.1, 
					# clipping amplitudes and phases at ln(A1/A2)=0.2 and 45 deg

process	pre	iampl		interp			capr	botm	# replace by values interpolated within [capr, botm]	
process	pre	iphase		interp			capr	botm	# replace by values interpolated within [capr, botm]	
process	pre	itshift		interp			capr	botm	# replace by values interpolated within [capr, botm]