% Finish the following migration code for demonstrating diffraction-stack migration % =========================================================================== % You can rename or add any variables as needed % =========================================================================== % create grids of x and z coordinates covering the area you used in lab 5. % However, these grids do not have to be identical to those in lab 5. % Try some ranges or denser spacings x = ... z = ... % depth array %% ============================================================================== % Task 1) % Perform migration by applying function 'scattering_ellipse() to an individual % source/receiver point and plot the results. % Try the following commands separately. Make and understand plots: sec = scattering_ellipse(x,z,500,400,1,2); % at one point figure(1) plot_Zsection(x,z,sec,'distance(m)','b-') pause % pause here to look at the results figure(2) sec = scattering_ellipse(x,z,[400 400],[100 400],[2 1],2); % two reflections at one S/R point plot_Zsection(x,z,sec,'distance(m)','b-') pause % try some other positions of the source/receiver pairs and save plots %% =========================================== % Now load your modeled section from lab 5. Let us say it is called 'section' % you will also need the arrays 'receivers' and 'time' from lab 5 (coordinates of the points % and times at which the records ara output) and velocity (denoted velocity1?) %load model.mat load model ZOS from lab 5 %% ================================================ %% Task 2) % Perform migration by applying 'scattering_ellipse()' to one source/receiver record % from your modeled section: i= 20; % number of record you want to use figure(3) sec = scattering_ellipse(x,z,receivers,time,section(:,i),velocity1); plot_Zsection(x,z,sec,'distance(m)','b-') pause % look and the result and describe it. Try some other value of i %% ================================================ %% Task 3) % Perform migration by applying 'scattering_ellipse()' to the whole time records % from the modeled section: figure(4) sec = zeros(length(z),length(x)); % this will be your output depth section for i=1:size(section,2) % sum migrated records fom all traces xs = ones(size(section,1),1)*receivers(i); % array of identical receiver % positions for each sample of the trace sec = sec + scattering_ellipse(x,z,xs,time,section(:,i),velocity1); end plot_Zsection(x,z,sec,'distance(m)','b-') pause % look and the result. How does it compare to the preceding one from one trace? % How does it compare to the original depth section which you picked in lab 5? % save the migrated section: save ... sec