# Common settings suitable on all machines ################################################ #### initial system paths set path=( . /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /bin ) setenv HOSTNAME `hostname -s` setenv EDITOR nano # this seems easier to use than vi # directory containing user environment configurations setenv USERHOME /opt/nfsapps/morozov_apps/config_user # directory containing program scripts and configurations setenv PROGHOME /opt/nfsapps/morozov_apps/config_prog # was before: setenv PROGHOME /geofile/home/geoapps # root directory for third-party applications setenv GEOAPPS /opt/nfsapps/geol_apps/geoepos/apps # was before: setenv GEOAPPS /geoepos/apps setenv GEOAPPS1 /opt/nfsapps/geol_apps/apps # was before: setenv GEOAPPS /geofile/apps # list files in color and in columns alias ls 'ls --color -C' # Remember last 100 commands set history = 100 # Suppress core file dumps limit coredumpsize 0 # For interactive shells, set the prompt to show the host name and event number: if ( (! $?ENVONLY) && $?prompt ) then if ( -o /bin/su ) then set prompt="`/bin/hostname -s` \!# " else set prompt="`/bin/hostname -s` \!% " endif endif # System-specific settings for different machines and users ############################################################# if ( `/bin/uname -p` == "x86_64" ) then setenv HOSTARCH "64bit" else setenv HOSTARCH "32bit" endif setenv CONFIGNAME students # default configuration for all student machines if ( -d $USERHOME ) then # master configuration directory exists #echo Synchronizing configuration with $USERHOME rsync -CHavzq $USERHOME/README ~/README # update user's copy of this README file rsync -CHavzq $USERHOME/.cshrc.all ~/.cshrc.all # update .cshrc.all in case it was changed rsync -CHavzq $USERHOME/.cshrc1.all ~/.cshrc1.all if ( -r $USERHOME/.cshrc.$HOSTNAME.$USER ) then # copy configuration script for $USER on this machine setenv CONFIGNAME $HOSTNAME.$USER else # echo Checking $USERHOME/.cshrc.$USER if ( -r $USERHOME/.cshrc.$USER ) then # copy configuration script for $USER on any machine setenv CONFIGNAME $USER else if ( -r $USERHOME/.cshrc.$HOSTNAME ) then # copy configuration for anyone on this machine setenv CONFIGNAME $HOSTNAME endif endif # update configuration from master rsync -CHavzq $USERHOME/.cshrc.$CONFIGNAME ~/.cshrc.$CONFIGNAME else if ( -r ~/.cshrc.$HOSTNAME ) then # no mount of $USERHOME but have local setup setenv CONFIGNAME $HOSTNAME endif #echo Executing custom config echo User = $USER Host = $HOSTNAME " ==> Using configuration " $HOME/.cshrc.$CONFIGNAME source ~/.cshrc.$CONFIGNAME # custom configuration for this user and machine source ~/.cshrc1.all # the remainder of common settings unsetenv HOSTARCH unsetenv HOSTNAME