function [ZREG,Zreg]=polyregional(XBIG,YBIG,ZBIG,Xsmall,Ysmall,Zsmall) % % [ZREG,Zreg ]=polyregional(XBIG,YBIG,ZBIG,Xsmall,Ysmall,Zsmall); % % polyregional least squares fits a polynomial surface to a % regional scale grid XBIG YBIG ZBIG and projects this regional (ZREG) % onto a smaller grid Xsmall Ysmall Zsmall contained within the regional scale grid % the regional projected onto the small grid is Zreg % anomalous regions within the regional scale grid can be masked % out so that they do not influence the polynomial fit % % [ZREG,Zreg ]=polyregional(XBIG,YBIG,ZBIG,Xsmall,Ysmall,Zsmall); %*********************************************************************************** % % Jim Merriam % University of Saskatchewan % % (Dec, 1997) % (last Oct, 1999) %*********************************************************************************** % % % modify this so that the regional also makes the perimeter as small as possible - % or is this a task for LAPLACE? % ALso work on a Fourier function fitting version clf H1=axes('position',[.05 .05 .4 .55]); % axes for initial contour maps contour(XBIG,YBIG,ZBIG,20),title('REGIONAL SCALE GRID'),colorbar('horiz') hold on [my,ny]=size(Ysmall); [my,ny]=size(Xsmall); boxtop=Ysmall(my,1); % top of box around mask boxbot=Ysmall(1,1); % bottom of box around mask boxleft=Xsmall(1,1);% left side of mask boxright=Xsmall(1,ny);% right side of mask hb=plot([boxleft boxright boxright boxleft boxleft],[boxbot boxbot boxtop ... boxtop boxbot],'w-'); set(hb,'LineWidth',1); H2=axes('position',[.5 .39 .4 .55]); contour(Xsmall,Ysmall,Zsmall,20),title('SMALL SCALE GRID'),colorbar('horiz') disp('ENTER TO CONTINUE');pause; ans=input(' MASK A SUBGRID? [y]/n ','s'); if(isempty(ans) | ans=='Y' | ans=='y'); ZMASK=gridmask(XBIG,YBIG,ZBIG); % call gridmask to mask out regional else ZMASK=ZBIG; end pause(2) KeepAtIt='y'; while KeepAtIt=='y' badchoice='y'; while badchoice=='y' disp(' SELECT LINEAR, QUADRATIC, OR CUBIC 2D POLYNOMIAL') disp(' 1 FOR LINEAR') disp(' 2 FOR QUADRATIC') disp(' 3 FOR CUBIC') disp(' 4 FOR QUARTIC') response=input('SELECTION? '); if response==1;level='linear';badchoice='n'; elseif response==2;level='quad ';badchoice='n'; elseif response==3;level='cubic ';badchoice='n'; elseif response==4;level='quart ';badchoice='n'; else disp('THIS IS NOT A VALID CHOICE. TRY AGAIN') end end disp(level); XX=XBIG; YY=YBIG; [n,m]=size(ZMASK); ZZ=reshape(ZMASK,n*m,1); % reshaped ZMASK etc XX=reshape(XBIG,n*m,1); YY=reshape(YBIG,n*m,1); i=isnan(ZZ); % find Nan's in masked grid ZZ(i)=[]; %clear grid points with NaN's XX(i)=[]; YY(i)=[]; % calculate the model matrix if(level=='linear') A=[ones(size(ZZ)) XX YY]; elseif(level=='quad ') A=[ones(size(ZZ)) XX YY XX.^2 YY.^2 XX.*YY]; elseif(level=='cubic ') A=[ones(size(ZZ)) XX YY XX.^2 YY.^2 XX.*YY XX.*YY.^2 YY.*XX.^2 XX.^3 YY.^3]; elseif(level=='quart ') A=[ones(size(ZZ)) XX YY XX.^2 YY.^2 XX.*YY XX.*YY.^2 YY.*XX.^2 XX.^3 YY.^3 XX.*YY.*3 XX.^3.*YY (XX.^2).*(YY.^2) XX.^4 YY.^4 ]; end polynomialsurface=A\ZZ; disp(' ') if(level=='linear') disp(' COEFFICIENTS OF LINEAR REGIONAL '); disp([' MEAN X Y']); S=sprintf(' %4.1f %4.1f %4.1f ',polynomialsurface); disp(S) elseif(level=='quad ') disp(' COEFFICIENTS OF QUADRATIC REGIONAL'); disp([' MEAN X Y X^2 Y^2 XY']); S=sprintf(' %4.1f %4.1f %4.1f %4.1e %4.1e %4.1e',polynomialsurface); disp(S) elseif(level=='cubic ') disp(' COEFFICIENTS OF CUBIC REGIONAL '); disp([' MEAN X Y X^2 Y^2 XY XY^2 YX^2 X^3 Y^3']); S=sprintf(' %4.1f %4.1f %4.1f %4.1e %4.1e %4.1e %4.1e %4.1e %4.1e %4.1e %4.1e ',polynomialsurface); disp(S) elseif(level=='quart ') disp(' COEFFICIENTS OF QUARTIC REGIONAL ') disp([' MEAN X Y X^2 Y^2 XY XY^2 YX^2 X^3 Y^3 XY^3 YX^3 X^2Y^2 Z^4 Y^4' ]); S=sprintf(' %4.1f %4.1f %4.1f %4.1e %4.1e %4.1e %4.1e %4.1e %4.1e %4.1e %4.1e %4.1e %4.1e %4.1e %4.1e % 4.1e',polynomialsurface); disp(S) end disp(' '); [n,m]=size(XBIG); ZZ=reshape(ZBIG,n*m,1); % reshape ZREG to etc XX=reshape(XBIG,n*m,1); % tnew XX and YY YY=reshape(YBIG,n*m,1); % on unmasked regional scale grid % calculate the model matrix if(level=='linear') B=[ones(size(ZZ)) XX YY]; elseif(level=='quad ') B=[ones(size(ZZ)) XX YY XX.^2 YY.^2 XX.*YY]; elseif(level=='cubic ') B=[ones(size(ZZ)) XX YY XX.^2 YY.^2 XX.*YY XX.*YY.^2 YY.*XX.^2 XX.^3 YY.^3]; elseif(level=='quart ') B=[ones(size(ZZ)) XX YY XX.^2 YY.^2 XX.*YY XX.*YY.^2 YY.*XX.^2 XX.^3 YY.^3 XX.*YY.*3 XX.^3.*YY (XX.^2).*(YY.^2) XX.^4 YY.^4]; end ZREG=B*polynomialsurface; ZREG=reshape(ZREG,n,m); %polynomial surface on regional scale clf H1=axes('position',[.05 .05 .4 .55]); % axes for regional scale grid contour(XBIG,YBIG,ZMASK,20),title('(MASKED) REGIONAL SCALE GRID'),colorbar('horiz') H2=axes('position',[.5 .39 .4 .55]); % axes for regional on regional % scale grid contour(XBIG,YBIG,ZREG,20);title('REGIONAL ON REGIONAL SCALE GRID'),colorbar('horiz') disp('ENTER TO CONTINUE'),pause,clf H1=axes('position',[.05 .05 .4 .55]); % axes for regional scale grid contour(XBIG,YBIG,ZMASK,20),title('(MASKED) REGIONAL SCALE GRID'),colorbar('horiz') H2=axes('position',[.5 .39 .4 .55]); % axes for residual on regional % scale grid contour(XBIG,YBIG,ZBIG-ZREG,20);title('RESIDUAL ON REGIONAL SCALE GRID'),colorbar('horiz') disp('ENTER TO CONTINUE'),pause,clf [n,m]=size(Xsmall); XX=reshape(Xsmall,n*m,1); % new XX etc for small scale grid YY=reshape(Ysmall,n*m,1); ZZ=reshape(Zsmall,n*m,1); clf % calculate the model matrix if(level=='linear') C=[ones(size(ZZ)) XX YY]; elseif(level=='quad ') C=[ones(size(ZZ)) XX YY XX.^2 YY.^2 XX.*YY]; elseif(level=='cubic ') C=[ones(size(ZZ)) XX YY XX.^2 YY.^2 XX.*YY XX.*YY.^2 YY.*XX.^2 XX.^3 YY.^3]; elseif(level=='quart ') C=[ones(size(ZZ)) XX YY XX.^2 YY.^2 XX.*YY XX.*YY.^2 YY.*XX.^2 XX.^3 YY.^3 XX.*YY.*3 XX.^3.*YY (XX.^2).*(YY.^2) XX.^4 YY.^4]; end Zreg=C*polynomialsurface; % regional projected on samll scale grid Zreg=reshape(Zreg,n,m); H1=axes('position',[.05 .05 .4 .55]); % axes for original % small scale grid contour(Xsmall,Ysmall,Zsmall,20),title('ORIGINAL DATA GRID');colorbar('horiz') H2=axes('position',[.5 .39 .4 .55]); % axes for regional projected % onto small scale grid contour(Xsmall,Ysmall,Zreg,20),title('REGIONAL PROJECTED ONTO DATA GRID'),colorbar('horiz') disp('ENTER TO CONTINUE'),pause,clf H1=axes('position',[.05 .05 .4 .55]);% axes for original on % small scale grid contour(Xsmall,Ysmall,Zsmall,20),title('ORIGINAL DATA GRID');colorbar('horiz') H2=axes('position',[.5 .39 .4 .55]); % axes for residual on small % scale grid contour(Xsmall,Ysmall,Zsmall-Zreg,20),title('RESIDUAL DATA GRID'),colorbar('horiz') KeepAtIt=input('TRY A DIFFERENT POLYNOMIAL? [y]/n ','s'); if isempty(KeepAtIt) KeepAtIt='y' end end