### Sample job performing reflectivity modeling for ### Ma's water-sand in shale reservoir ### -------------------------------------------- ### This job performs modeling, saves the records in a SEGY file, ### applies time reduction, and plots in PostScript ### ### Note how: ### 1) Symbolic substitutions are used set parameters for ### different tools in coherent fation; ### 2) The depth and stacking velocity models are also output ######### symbolic substitutions *define model majin2w # model name compn 1 # component number to plot vpval 3.470 # Vp for water-saturated reservoir vsval 2.010 # Vs for the reservoir rhoval 2.29 # Density for the reservoir qpval 600 qsval 400 minr 0.0001 # simulated receiever positions incr 0.03 maxr 1.01 outfile DATA/refl-{model}-{minr}-{maxr}.segy # output file name psfile PS/synth-{model}-{compn}.ps # output plot file name ######### the folowing is an info text printed on the screen ######### when the job is started *info Jinfeng Ma's model from Table 2 (water) ###### this sets the mode in which the program ###### will not append to any output text files (will overwrite) *setup noapp #### reflectivity modeling *call reflect displ 2 8192 x {model} modes pp # noconv upgo fwin 2 10 20 60 100 0. phvwin 2 1. 2. 40. 60. 3000 source expl 0.0001 spike 0. 3. # 5. receiv 0. minr incr maxr reduce 2.1 refldep 0 layers flat 0.02 0 2.0 0.5 qpval qsval 2. 0.6 2.0 2.1915 0.5 0.8181 qpval qsval 2. 2.16 1 0.78 2.1915 vpval 0.8181 vsval qpval qsval 2.16 rhoval 1 0.90 vpval 2.1915 vsval 0.8181 qpval qsval rhoval 2.16 1 1.08 2.1915 2.6426 0.8181 1.1668 qpval qsval 2.16 2.29 1 1.2 2.6426 vpval 1.1668 vsval qpval qsval 2.29 rhoval 1 1.3 vpval 2.6428 vsval 1.1668 qpval qsval rhoval 2.29 1 1.4 2.6428 3.0937 1.1668 1.5148 qpval qsval 2.29 2.29 1 1.52 2.738 vpval 1.625 vsval qpval qsval 2.26 rhoval 1 1.62 vpval 3.0937 vsval 1.5148 qpval qsval rhoval 2.28 1 1.74 3.0937 3.148 1.5148 1.750 qpval qsval 2.28 2.43 1 1.91 3.148 3.148 1.750 1.750 qpval qsval 2.43 2.43 1 column column twtt stack vel-stacking twtt vp vs qp qs rho column column depth int vel-depth z vp vs qp qs rho *call hdrmath set dummy integer 0 *call break trace dummy break *call sortcut break ####### an info reporting elapsed time *info eof time ####### test printout of the resulting traces *nocall print test.print traces 0 10 samples 0 1000 #### the following simply multiplies trace header 'x' by 1000 #### (converting km -> m) *call hdrmath set x 1000 x ###### Write the output in SEGY format. *call modify 0.0 # this is needed to simply kep SEGY output happy *call write segy outfile Reflectivity synthetics in model {model} ###### List trace headers in file 'synth-{model}.table' ###### Note how the name of 'model' is substituted *call table synth-{model}.table x comp timstrt rms lasttr ###### select only the traces with component number = 'comp' for plotting *call convert extract {compn} ######## Travel-time reduction and scaling for the plot *nocall reduce x redvel *call agc 600 *call plot WGVA down median 4 100 gain .3 setamp rms 500 1200 ps 300 psfile show window 7 9 .5 2.5 0 8.5 11 offset x 2e-3 trange 0 1900 font 12 black line dash 0.1 1 3 timlab 100 %1.1f timtitl left TWTT [s] ticks 0 0 0 margins 1.2 .8 .6 line solid 0.1 scale 200 5 %1.0f text 1010 0 0.1 0 \Offset [m] font 10 black title Ma's reflectivity synthetic comp {compn} ### save and print out the two velocity models (interval and stacking) ### created by tool 'reflect' *call savetab {model}.bintab vel-* *call pritab {model}.table vel-*