
Winter 2023

Applications of Seismic Methods to Engineering

This course focuses on application of seismic methods to civil and geological engineering. We will study two methods for characterizing the subsurface using seismic waves:

  1. Multichannel surface wave (MASW) imaging. This method is often used for imaging the stiffness of layered subsurface, at depth ranging from about 10 cm to 100 m.
  2. Microseismic methods. These methods originate in earthquake seismology and are broadly used for detecting locations at which elastic waves are produced by sudden movements of rock blocks. 

Students will attend the relevant lectures, study additional materials, and perform related labs from class GEOL483. In addition, each student will carry out a an individual lab project described at the link on the left and prepare a written report.


Attendance of lectures 20%
Labs 40%
Project and Report 40%