*define model Gravity-1 # model name *info Ray tracing in model {model} from Rayinvr ###################################################################### *setup noapp units km km ### some symbolic definitions *define vcont 6.0 # velocity level contoured in the model fname gravity.igm # file name to save the model in when "Save" is pressed ### Generate a simple "zero-offset time" table *call readtab map table-zoffset x float 1 twtt float argrang x 0 1.0 300 const twtt 8.0 *nocall pritab * table-zoffset ### Rayinvr-like model: *call rayinvr gui ps {model} *incl gravity.igm save eof {fname} # in this file the model will be saved on exit # observed gravity profile. It can also be loaded from # database tables, but we are using a simple job line description here grobs 0.000 0.000 1.000 -0.026 2.000 -0.061 3.000 -0.111 4.000 -0.183 5.000 -0.289 6.000 -0.445 7.000 -0.655 8.000 -0.871 9.000 -0.975 10.000 -0.887 11.000 -0.676 12.000 -0.463 13.000 -0.302 14.000 -0.191 15.000 -0.116 16.000 -0.065 17.000 -0.028 18.000 -0.002 19.000 0.000 20.000 0.000 summary # print brief model summary ### Define various graphical elements *call graphic backgr =same= foregr =same= #palette pal-vp buor 5.5 8 #palette pal-vp gmtcopper 1 2 # 4.5 8.2 palette pal-vp gmtsplit 1 2 # 4.5 8.2 palhue pal-vs color cont 2 5. 4 0.05 .95 palette pal-raycodes gmtjet 0 3 palette pal-arrivals gmtjet 0 4 palette pal-ampl gmtseis -1 1 palette pal-density gmtcopper 2.5 3.3 palette pal-adensity gmtjet -0.3 0.3 #palproc edit loop pal-vp # add a reversed copy of itself to the palette #palproc edit repeat 2 pal-vp # repeat the palette palproc edit scale pal-vp # scale the Vp palette by Vp in the model vp {model} #palproc edit hbal pal-vp # histogram-balance the Vp palette #vp accrete line solid 1 melon line-grcalc # line for calculated gravity anomaly line solid 1 yellow line-observed line solid 1 red line-residual fill solid green velocity axis axis-tt bar left _label T [s] _ticks axis axis-grav bar left _label mGal _ticks axis axis-dist bar top _label X [km] _ticks axis axis-depth bar left _label Z [km] _ticks # buttons and the corresponding commands to the modeller button button2 Reload {model} load {fname} button button3 Save {model} save {fname} button button4 Print {model} ps ### Create cross-section image *call image im-section ##### plot the model 1 1. 6 6 project xy width range-x -5 25 range-y -1 6.0 yes velmod {model} rho shade pal-density a-rho shade pal-adensity rho paint object axis-depth object axis-dist cscale vert 0.8 -0.7 0.1 0.2 Density # colour bar pal-density # buttons to control modelling object button2 object button3 object button4 ### Create gravity image *call image im-gravity 1 1. 6 6 project xy width backgr gray range-x -5 25 range-y -2 1 gravmod {model} calgrav line-grcalc obsgrav line-observed diffgrav line-residual object axis-grav ### Display the interactive images *call gui im-gravity 0 10 im-section caption 2D gravity modeling test # make axes X coordinated in all sections layout vert x zoom dockers otree #otree graph prop