SIA system set-up

Three environment variables: SIABIN, SIALIB, and SIATMP must be defined in order to run SIA jobs.

The first specifies the directory in which the executables are stored, the second is the directory where all module object libraries are placed, and the third is the writable directory in which the system will put the executable and some temporary files (those are NOT data files!). Also a short alias for the name of the job launcher, is helpful, such as:

alias sia $SIABIN/SIA_launch_job

When the job launcher is invoked without parameters, it prints its version number and a short summary of its usage. Not surprisingly, the SGI, Sun, and Linux systems at the University of Wyoming Seismic Computing lab use different formats of the executables, thus we have a copy of the executables and object libraries for each machine. Below, I show examples for four types of our systems at UWyo.

See Installation instructions here.

Copyright (c) 1995-2001, I. B. Morozov, University of Wyoming
This document updated April 02, 2002