:PROC TEMPL2E Ensemble processing template with 2D traces Replace this with your module description... :AUTHOR Your name and date :INDEX Index terms separated by spaces # The following is the "Global" parameter list appearing in the first line of module call # :DESCGL can be used to include a description of these parameters :GLOBAL DATAKEY,C8,,,, 'Data key trace header used to identify the 2D grids on input/output' PARAM1,HV,'Minimum value (optional)', 'Max value', 'Default value', 'Parameter that could be a constant or trace header value... replace this text with parameter description' ######################################## # additional named parameter lists ######################################## :LIST OUTPUT Output (the line above should better be short, it appears in GUI menus) Output option. Put longer list explanation here... :LOCAL WHAT,SEL16,'Selection option 1:OPT1|Selection option 2:OPT2',,'OPT1', 'Selectable drop-down string parameter. It will appear in verbose form (tokens before ":") in the GUI and short form (OPT1 or OPT2) in the code.' PAR1,I,'2','5','25','Integer parameter, with suggested minimum annd maximum values of 2 and 5, an the default value of 25' PAR2,F,,,'25.0','Floating-point parameter' STRPARP,C64,,,,'A sample 64-character string parameter' #:PRM lib #:LIBPATH lib :INCL $SIAHOME/modules/GROUPS/traces.inc :END