Initial installation of IGeoS (SIA) from source code (distribution "full")

Installation should be performed by a user with "administrative" responsibilities.This user will manage the IgeoS software, processing network configuration, and data directories for other users. From a UNIX system point of view, the administrator should still be a regular user. He/she may or may not use the system for data processing.

PVM is required for GUI and parallel functonality. If PVM daemon is not running already, it will be started when needed.

Preparation for installation:

  1. Create three environment variables SIAHOME, SIABIN, and SIALIB. The corresponding directories will be created by the installer. Note that SIAHOME can be shared by several systems with different architectures, but SIABIN and SIALIB must be system-specific. If SIALIB is not defined, SIABIN/lib is used in its place.
  2. Include $SIALIB in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH;
  3. If using PVM, point PVM environment variable PVM_PATH to $SIABIN.
Two types of installation procedures are available: one using the system automatic updater utility, and the other using standard tarball and make files.

Installation by system updater:

  1. Select the appropriate installer from the list below and copy it into a temporary (in fact, any) directory. Make sure to set executable permissions for this file:
  2. Execute:
    sia-install --prepare
    Following this, you may sometimes need to edit your $SIALIB/SETUP/sia_setup.h file to customize the code environment. However, normally, this should no longer be required.
  3. Obtain and install all programs by executing:
    sia-install --distribution full .all
  4. Obtain and install additional applications by executing:
    sia-install .apps

Installation from a tarball:

  1. Create directory $SIAHOME;
  2. Copy this gzipped source tar file into your $SIAHOME directory, unzip and unpack it there;
  3. Go into $SIAHOME directory and type make. This should compile and install all codes.

Post-installation setup:

During either of the two building processes, processing configuration for the administrator is created in $SIABIN/configure/siadmin, where 'siadmin' is the administrator's logon name. Edit the files in this directory to describe the processing environment common to the group. This environment describes, for example, the configuration of the Parallel Virtual Machine, external programs, and services.

Using 'siadmin' environment as a template, the administrator can now add users:

  1. To add a user with logon name, for example, 'siauser', execute:
    $SIABIN/sia-update --adduser siauser
    This creates or overwrites the user configuration in $SIABIN/configure/siauser
  2. Edit these user configuration files to customize the individual user's processing environment.

Sat, Mar 29 2025, 0:44
Copyright I. Morozov, 2006-20