Login into a Unix session on computer named 'neva.usask.ca'. If you sit in front of this computer (next to the fridge in Rm 135 Geology), simply open a 'terminal' program. When sitting in front of another Linux machine anywhere else on campus, you should be able to use it as well, or you can login to 'neva' by typing 'ssh -Y neva'.
using a Windows or Mac computer , you can use the 'mobaexterm'
software at:
The "Portable edition" of this software does not seem to require installation. Use 'ssh' and 'X11' options to connect to 'neva.usask.ca' with interactive graphics. You should see the Unix "shell" (window). Type 'p5000' to start ProMAX, You should then see the main ProMAX window (interface called SeisSpace).
To set up your account for labs, log in into the computer and do the following:
Download these files: rename.cshrc and rename.cshrc.all into your 'home' directory. In the browser, this directory is shown as '/home/YOUR_NSID/geol'. In Unix shells, this directory can be accessed as $HOME. The reasons these files are given strange names is that otherwise Windows or Mac may not display them by default.
Open a 'Terminal' or 'Console' application. It will give you a window with interactive prompt. This program is called "Unix shell". (Your current shell program is called "C shell").
In the shell, type:
cd mv rename.cshrc .cshrc mv rename.cshrc.all .cshrc.all source .cshrc initlab geol335
This will rename the 'rename.*' files and initialize your C shell.
You need to execute these commands only once. In the next sessions, file .cshrc will be executed automatically.
To start ProMAX (its user interface is called SeisSpace), use command:
In the menus of the big SeisSpace window, go to 'Edit → Administration → Add Data Home'. In the resulting window,select path to Data Home as $HOME/PROMAX_DATA_HOME (To get into this $HOME, use the icon 'Home' in the file browser window. The $HOME name in your account actually refers to /home/YOUR_NSID/geol'). Them select 'Save and Add' in the bottom. You should see a folder appearing in the navigation panel on the left named 'Seismic Labs'. This is your personal copy of your lab set.
You can now start doing your labs.
Just start ProMAX by using the same command:
You should see the SeisSpace interface as you left it off last time.