LECTURE OUTLINE GEOL 384.3 and 334.3, Term 1

Gravity, Magnetic, Electromagnetic, and Radiometric Methods


Igor Morozov (Geology Rm 142; Tel. 966-2761), igor.morozov@usask.ca  

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WEEK 1 (Sept 2-9) - Introduction (lecture; the same as video)

WEEKS 2 and 3 (Sept 12 - 23) - Gravity methods (lecture 1, lecture 2; the same as video 1, video 2)

Interpretation of structure and source parameter estimation in gravity and magnetics (lecture; video

WEEK 4 (Sept 26 - 30) - Introduction to Electrical methods (lecture 1, lecture 2; the same as video 1, video 2

WEEK 5 (Oct 3 - 7) - Resistivity methods  (lecture, video

WEEK 6 (Oct 10 - 14) - Self-potential (SP) and Induced-polarization (IP) methods (lecture, video) WEEK 7 (Oct 17 - 21) - Magnetic methods (lecture, video)

WEEKS 8-9 (Oct 24 -  Nov 4) Electromagnetic methods (EM) (lecture 1, lecture 2; the same as video 1, video 2

WEEK 10 (Nov 7 - 11) - Mid-term break

WEEK 11 (Nov 14 - 18) - Radiometric methods (lecture, video)

WEEK 12 (Nov 21 - 25) - Applied seismic methods (lecture, video)

WEEK 13 - Review and preparation to exam