Earth's attenuation and seismological Q

This page provides links to several papers on on seismological Q, some of which are hitherto not published. As one reads it through, it may become apparent why some of this material may be difficult to publish. I critically reconsider several key points on which the models of seismological Q established over the past 50 years have been based, and show that:

Recent papers about seismic attenuation




Manuscripts in progress

  1. Formulation of attenuation without the Q concept This also includes a theoretical and numerical model of Love-wave Q

  2. Mechanics of seismic attenuation in planets (Part I: Fundamentals)

  3. Physical character of seismic viscoelasticity

  4. On first principles of viscoelasticity

  5. On geometrical spreading and explanation of positive frequency dependence of Q

  6. New solid-viscosity model of Earth's free oscillations 

  7. On relation of bulk and shear Q factors

  8. Dynamic moduil in poroelasticity

  9. General Standard Linear solid: Part I  and Part II


Additional notes of interest: